Physics - Unit 3

Kinematics: Motion in Two Directions

In this unit we will expand our knowledge of kinematics by considering objects undergoing “projectile motion”. We will use trigonometry to solve for horizontal and vertical components of vectors in order to consider an object’s motion in two directions.

BY THE END OF THIS UNIT, you should be able to:

  • apply kinematic formulas to solve two dimensional motion problems

  • use trigonometry to find horizontal and vertical components of velocity

  • solve projectile motion problems

Our Schedule


Oct 16

Oct 17/18


Introduction to Vectors and 2-dimensional motion.

Video Analysis

Unit 3 Quiz 1

Homework Starting NOW - All HW and PosPhysics assignments will have a due date assigned. Any assignments turned in late will be penalized 2 points per day.

PositivePhysics / Unit 4 / 4.6 Trigonometry (#1-9). Due Oct 28.

Projectile motion in the with initial velocity in the x-direction.

Physics Classroom Projectile Practice

Oct 22/23

Oct 24/25

SOH-CAH-TOA and the Pythagorean Theorem. Vector Walk in 2 Dimensions

PositivePhysics / Unit 4 / 4.5 Motion Charts (ONLY #1-2). Due Oct 21.

Quiz on Sep 24/25. Please bring an empty 2 liter bottle by Oct 31/Nov 1

PositivePhysics / Unit 4 / 4.9 Complete Problems 1 (#1-4). Due Oct 21.