
Motion in One Direction

This unit is our introduction to kinematics - the study of motion without reference to the forces causing the motion. We will learn the formulas that apply to Uniform Accelerated Motion but more importantly we will learn how and when to apply these formulas for real-life problem solving.

BY THE END OF THIS UNIT, you should be able to:

  • explain the difference between a vector and a scalar and be able to identify our KEY words as vector or scalar.

  • given a graph of displacement, velocity or acceleration vs time, understand what information can be determined from the slope and/or area under the graph.

  • apply kinematic formulas to solve one dimensional motion problems.

  • apply kinematic formulas for objects in free-fall.

Physics - Unit 2

Our Schedule


Sep 12

Sep 17/18

Sep 19/20


Notes - Distance vs. Displacement

In-class “homework”: Physics Classroom Vector Walk

When finished, email me a picture showing completion of the first six lessons.

Homework (Due the next class unless otherwise noted.)

Finish classwork on Physics Classroom if not already completed.

Sep 16

Notes - Velocity vs. Speed Velocity: Average Velocity Rule (1-21) - due by Sep 23.

Notes - Kinematics Equation #1


Notes - Free Fall

Free-fall video analysis lab

Sep 23

Finish lab - it is due next class.

Free-fall video analysis lab

Sep 26/27

Notes - Velocity Graphs

Positive Physics / Unit 1: Velocity / Graph Problems (1-8)

Sep 24/25

Positive Physics / Unit 1: Velocity / Graph Concepts (1-16)

Positive Physics / Unit 1: Velocity / Graph Concepts (1-16)

Quiz on Oct 1/2

Finish Desmos Activity

Quiz on Oct 1/2

Test on Oct 10/11

Turn in Free-fall video analysis lab

In class practice: PosPhy / Unit 3: Free-Fall / Complete Problems 1 (1-4)

Notes - Kinematics and Graphs (Video notes for Block 3 are here.)

Sep 30

Work on review - yes, we are still having a test this week.

Oct 1/2


Notes - Finding displacement with kinematics equations.

Study for test!

Oct 7

Begin work on Test Review. Ms. Hicks is out but the review is on the front table by the lava lamp. I also added a copy to OneNote.

Oct 10/11

Finish Test Review & review problems on Positive Physics

Oct 8/9

Unit 2 Test