AP Biology: Unit 2

Cell Structure and Function

Everything you'll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.

  • Textbook— Chapters 6, 7, and 44.1, 48.2 and 48.3

  • 10-13% of the AP Exam

Can you…


Describe the structure and/ or function of subcellular components and organelles?


Explain how subcellular components and organelles contribute to the function of the cell?

Describe the structural features of a cell that allow organisms to capture, store, and use energy?


Explain the effect of surface area-to-volume ratios on the exchange of materials between cells or organisms and the environment?

Explain how specialized structures and strategies are used for the efficient exchange of molecules to the environment?


Describe the roles of each of the components of the cell membrane in maintaining the internal environment of the cell?

Describe the Fluid Mosaic Model of cell membranes?


Explain how the structure of biological membranes influences selective permeability?

Describe the role of the cell wall in maintaining cell structure and function?


Describe the mechanisms that organisms use to maintain solute and water balance.

Describe the mechanisms that organisms use to transport large molecules across the plasma membrane.


Explain how the structure of a molecule affects its ability to pass through the plasma membrane?


Explain how concentration gradients affect the movement of molecules across membranes?

Explain how osmoregulatory mechanisms contribute to the health and survival of organisms?


Describe the processes that allow ions and other molecules to move across membranes?


Describe the membrane-bound structures of the eukaryotic cell?

Explain how internal membranes and membrane-bound organelles contribute to compartmentalization of eukaryotic cell functions?


Describe similarities and/or differences in compartmentalization between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Describe the relationship between the functions of endosymbiotic organelles and their free-living ancestral counterparts?


Week of September 23-30

Day 1

  • Cell Speed Dating

  • DUE: Cell Speed Dating, 2.1-2.2 DV Notes, Field Experience

  • HW: DV notes 2.3

Day 2

  • Cell Structure/Function Lecture

  • AP Questions

  • Cell Size Lab

  • DUE: DV notes 2.3

  • HW: DV notes 2.4-2.5

Day 3

  • Baby Quiz: Cell Structure/Function

  • Cell Membrane lecture/activity

  • DUE: DV notes 2.4-2.5

  • HW: DV notes 2.6-2.7, 2.9



Week of Sept 30- October 4

Day 1

  • Finish Membrane lecture

  • DUE: DV notes 2.6-2.7, 2.9

  • HW: DV notes 2.8 (three videos)

Day 2

  • Finish Lecture

  • Water Potential Lecture

  • DUE: DV notes 2.8

  • HW: DV notes 2.10-2.11

Day 3

  • DUE: DV notes 2.10-2.11 (or due Monday) Water potential wkst

  • Assign October Field Experience

  • Water Potential Lecture

  • Endosymbiotic Theory lecture/activity

  • Cell Membrane “Lab”



Week of October 7- October 11

Day 1

  • Endosymbiosis Lecture

  • AP Questions

  • DUE: DV notes 2.10-2.11

Day 2

  • Assign October FE!!!!

  • Water Potential/Osmosis Lab

  • AP Questions

Day 3

  • Unit 2 Quiz!

  • Finish Lab (Due Day 2 next week— second time we see eachother!)



  • Unit 2 Test coming up!

    • Oct 22 (Block 7) or Oct 23 (Block 2)

  • Personal Progress Check will be due on test day! (Multiple Choice and FRQ)

    • Please plan out your studying, and do the PPC at the latest the night before. Ideally, you’d have time before test day to ask me questions on the concepts that were most difficult for you!